Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Chino xxx

AKA Chino Bambino, Chi Chi and of course Cappuccino due to his brindle colouring - clearly not obvious in mono!
Chino came to us last August after heartbreakingly taking our other beloved Scottie dog Maclary on a one way visit to the vets in July after 12 adorable years.
Chino was one when he came to us - from a lady who bred and showed Scotties in Burnley. Chino wasn't quite broad enough between his front legs to show - well we think he's perfect!!!
Fav song - Donald where's yur troosers, fav food - gravy bones, fav programme - Countryfile, fav toy - his plastic penguin, fav thing to do to relax - lie on his back, legs akimbo, dislikes bikes, wagons and wheely bins, also cats twist his melon man!
My four legged adorable friend - sometimes you don't need words to feel better - you just need the nearness of your dog! :)) xxx
Thank you gingernan for hosting mono Monday - pets :)

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