Primary School ENT Screening in #Cambodia

Ears, Nose and Throat screening for children at Dorng Kaum Primary School located in Kandal Province. 80 students were screened by IMPACT Cambodia's doctor - out of these 18 students were diagnosed with ear infections, with another 62 students suffering with a common cold.

These children were either given on the spot treatment or are being followed up for further examination and medication.

In Kandal Province IMPACT Cambodia's medical services are greatly appreciated - with each and every pupil at this school found to be in need of medical care. Medical services are scarce in this province so screening for early identification and treatment, combined with primary health education, are vital in spotting and dealing with any signs of illness before they develop into a potentially disabling condition.

Up to two million people (14% of the Cambodian population) are affected by hearing loss to some degree. The World Health Organisation state that half of all cases could have been prevented through primary prevention; and a significant proportion of those affected by hearing loss could benefit from medicine, surgery and hearing devices to restore their ability to hear.

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