
Work on the main bathroom started today - lots of banging and crashing, power drills, the lot - and my middle son managed to sleep through most of it!! Everything's now been stripped out and it literally looks as though a bomb's hit it - so hard to believe that it might be finished by the end of the week.

Pete and I had a day spent largely at home, making regular cups of tea and coffee. I did manage a lunchtime walk at Ferry Meadows with Ben and Rosie - though she spent quite a lot of it standing in the various lakes, cooling off. Bliss...

I sneaked out in the garden while dinner was cooking (yummy vegetable and lentil lasagne - went down really well even with the confirmed carnivore!) to look for an insect to photograph, but there weren't that many about. This backlit Knautia macedonica caught my eye - I just love the contrast between the vivid magenta and intense lime green.

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