Water Lily Memories

Although this lovely water flower was in an ornamental pond, they always remind me of the time some years ago when I was thrown out of a small garden centre. Not a well known one, I may add. I was with my son and 12 year old grandson Tom, looking for plants for his garden pond, when Tom decided to walk across a wooden footbridge over the small pond where the plants for sale were growing. A chap came running across waving his arms and shouting, telling us to get the child of the footbridge as he wasn't going to pay damages if he fell in. The water was about a couple of feet deep ! So, much to Tom's annoyance he came off the bridge, but that wasn't the end of it. The plants didn't look very healthy so I said we should look elsewhere. The same chap overheard and said to me, " We don't want your sort in here, you can get out of my garden centre." We couldn't stop laughing and saw the funny side of grandma being chucked out of a garden centre. Maybe he'd had a bad day or something.

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