
Binary Finary - 1999 (Original Mix)

You can blame all the elements that you want to to surmise the current position that you're in. It only goes so far as the other side of the coin suggests that you're also to blame. You have control over yourself and if you're unhappy, find the courage to change yourself. People will help you, guide you and give you direction, upon being thankful, be respectful and truly take advantage of it. As the lights go out, all you have is your own memories and experience. Better them to be satisfying than a litany of woe.

In one of my classes today, my students talked about the happy moments of their lives. Upon listening, I thought back to my own happy moments, and like anyone else, I had plenty to draw upon and remember with distinct clarity, even to the point of smell and touch. Memories may or may not exist due to our continuously changing consciousness, but I remember my walks along the beach, falling in love for the first (and many other) times, as well as walking through Paris with pure freedom, enjoying Italy with my brilliant sister, being hugged by my father, and being kissed by my mother.

There is nothing greater than the value you place on your own life. The power is so strong that it permeates into others and hopefully makes their life worthwhile, even for a short time.

I have done my fair share of evil, and I'll probably do more, but that's only in perspective. And through perspective shall I use it as a lesson to be a little bit better. Seemingly inconsequential, everything is powered with a sense of worth.

Thinking of what to write today, I spent time thinking of anxieties, anger, misunderstanding and most importantly, love lost. Such things always disappear.

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