Who turned the light off????

The boys have been to the lake twice today! Lucky boys!

We went for a morning swim and played with one of the frisbees the boys got yesterday. Beat loved it! You can see him have fun in a small video here.

After some fun by the lake, we went to collect Ruby - my friend's dog that I wrote about yesterday. I had promised to take her up north for her second mating. It was a long and very hot drive - we spent 4 hours in the car... but it was a successful date between Ruby and Acko, so hopefully there will be little Border Collie babies in a couple of months.

Next stop the Post Office to collect the new Cool Coats that I had ordered for the boys in the USA. They are fabulous! I might blip them one day soon.

Home to change clothes and then off to the lake again to meet up with Helle. Helle and I decided to take all of the dogs out for a swim. Helle and I swam too and it was great :-)

This is Helle and her dogs on our evening swim.

Home now - the boys have been fed and we are ready for a restful evening.

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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