Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Feeling hot hot hot

Poor Jeeves and Wooster WooWoo are finding it hot. Magic and Kirk seem to be coping ok, we open their hutch early on and they have shaded areas in their enclosure and their very own parasol, Kirk often takes himself off under the hutch where the paving slabs stay cool. I do also give them ice pods which they all of course ignore but the effort is made.

I've had a big adventure today - I went on a tram.

Ok so I have been on a tram before but it was when I was younger and also a Sheffield tram and I didn't have to do ticket buying or working out where to get off etc.

Today I used the Nottingham tram service. I was heading into town for an introduction to my new office and team prior to starting and as I will be commuting using the tram I thought it would be a good time to try it out without the pressure of first day nerves. I survived. I didn't even need to ask for help.

Office looks great, has air conditioning which is a bonus, they didn't bat an eyelid about needing to order me an uber fancy chair and in fact will arrange for a proper assessment and in the mean time we might have found a suitable short term solution chair.

I then went to Jessops and fondled cameras and have decided on the one I want - I'd read specs online and stuff but at the end of the day it always has to come down to how it feels in your hand. I have picked a Nikon D33oo, now we wait and see and save (and maybe change my mind again who knows) but I do feel like now is the time to say sod it (provided figures stack up with new job and I have a birthday at the end of the year).

Then I got asked to do some market research, I was about to say no, but they said the magic words of you get £5 if you agree to do it. Well ok then. I can't tell you what it was for as I signed a non disclosure agreement, but I can tell you it wasn't for anything fun and exciting.

So that was my day.

Oh yeah job contract has arrived - just need to read, print, sign and send back - it's all very real now.

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