S1 - Another Day

By S1

3am Trains in the bed

At 3am there was a little bit of noise from CJ's room. I thought it was just him getting out of bed to get his blanket (as we hadn't put it over the duvet as it was so hot when we put him to bed). However, after a few more minutes I heard the tell-tale sounds of trains being crashed together. CJ had gotten not only his blanket but also his trains and was in his bed zooming them around.

So after listening to him play for 10 mins, it was clear he wasn't going back to sleep, so I had to do a reset - remove trains, change nappy, milk and stories. Luckily that worked and he was sound asleep within minutes.

But he didn't forget his 3am playtime as I found him in exactly the same way first thing this morning when I went in to get him! The trains were all back in the cot and being zoomed around by a very happy CJ!

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