
By snailspace

A good Saturday

Mr L spent much of his day in grinding down the old concrete Rayburn plinth. He has given up for now and ordered a more powerful SDS drill. Me, I passed the time in knitting on a long stitch scarf that I cast on last night in order to make a second entry in the Show class for "Item knitted from handspun". It is finished and I love it.

I made a simple supper of fresh Tagliatelle with some fresh pesto that I bought from Kirkness & Gorie on Thursday. I griddled some chicken breasts and asparagus and a few cherry tomatoes on the vine. Washed down with Pinot Grigio, it was delicious. It's a Spring Tide and the tide was out so we walked supper off with the dogs in the bay.

We found a jelly fish the size of a dustbin lid : Mr L's size 10s and Nell included for scale.

UPDATE: Jellyfish is formally identified as a Lion's Mane.

All in all, a good day. Tomorrow I shall be busy washing and blocking various pieces of knitting. I have starch and I know how to use it. Oh, yes. (The current madness will cease next week - the Show is on Friday)

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