
We went hillwalking with friends and climbed 2 unpronounceable Munros to the west of Drumochter. It was warm and with some hazy sun to begin with but increasing cloud as the day progressed, and a bit of moisture in the air.
(Scott said it was going to rain at 4pm and just before then it did, but we were in the cars heading for refreshments at House of Bruar by then).
It wasn't a good day for photography but I decided to try and capture the layers of hazy hills to the south. I had thought of doing them on mono but like the hints of colour in the distance.
Near the bottom were some vibrant bird's foot trefoil which Mr Rat said I should blip but I blipped a flower yesterday and I like my blips to be a record of the day (if there's anything special to record) so the hills won

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