Christie's Hole

A superb day of sunshine and must be the warmest day of the year here, the car was at 24 degrees while driving :)

I had a great night at the wedding last night and even got up early today too. Up early and headed back to Papa Stour for the night with the tent. I got the engine fixed for the small boat and have been touring around the caves today and what an amazing experience. Some rumblings coming from inside the deep long caves! Hope it stays calm tomorrow and will get out to more on the other side of the isle.

Inside Christie's Hole, and what a great name they have given it :) It's a massive cave that goes deep into the isle and has two massive holes in the ceiling where the roof collapsed. Near the end of the cave and through the passages we came to beaches and this amazing light coming down from the collapsed roof that danced over the cave wall :)

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