By all outward appearances...

...Lee's Liquor bar could be judged as the seediest little dive on this side of town. It floats out there on the corner of a large intersection and when nighttime comes, it's the only thing lit up for several blocks. And lit up it is; a beacon for the thirsty, the downtrodden and the ready-to-dance-their-socks-off. Its dance floor is legendary and its line-up of acts is a testament to the fact that line dancing, polka, ballroom and disco are all alive and well.

If I hurry and get all dolled up, we could still make it in time for Ashleigh Still & The Dirty Dishes. Heehaw! Not.

Wonder how many big name famous bands and singers started in a place like this? Probably all of them.

Good day, just did a lot of waiting...for emails, email confirmations, more emails. Then the waiting room at appointment four which is now done and dusted. Two more and I'm done for a year.

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