Smart Dylan!

As I've said before, our bunnies don't really like being handled but we thought it was time for them to have a bit of a grooming.
This is Dylan after his brushing.
He seemed to quite like it.
A rabbit joke for you
A rabbit went into a shop and asked, "Got any carrots?"
The seller answered, "No!"
The next day the rabbit came again and asked, "Got any carrots?"
The seller replied "No!"
Next day the rabbit came and asked, "Got any carrots?"
The seller shouted, "No! And if you come again and ask for carrots, I'll take nails and hammer you on the wall by your ears!"
Early next morning the rabbit came back and asked, " Got any nails?"
The seller answered, "No!"
The rabbit asked, "Got any carrots?"

Elektra track number seven here.
I could have chosen lots of Tim Buckley songs.

Sent from my iPad

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