In The Chair

Finally made it to the barber's today. It had (as you can tell), been a long, long time.

In fact, the barber told me that I was lucky that I'd landed him, seeing as a lot of barber shops won't cut long hair. This is, thankfully, the before shot. Nothing too drastic, but at least it has some shape!

I managed to do some more underfloor insulation (knocking it down gradually!), before we made the exciting decision to remove the horrible dark cupboard that's been oppressing our hallway since 1951. It's now way, way more spacious in there, and we found some old treasures in there (old bus tickets, a sports day leaflet from 1982 an old Tats Lotto ticket... I'll blip them in the future!).

The Little Goblin is overjoyed to have his Mum back - he's had the biggest smile on his face all day!
Pretty good day really - getting ready for the week to come!

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