Change Of Plan

I bounced out of bed early determined to make the most of the day. Cooked breakfast, coffee, showered and dressed for golf a 0900 tee time.
AND THEN I thought no, there's lots of other things I'd like to get done. Change of shorts, T shirt instead of polo shirt before I started.

For my birthday Clare bought me a 'Scratch & Show Map", the map of the world is completely covered in 'gold', the idea being that you scratch away the 'gold' from the countries you have visited revealing different colours.

Now I had considered myself well travelled, not in the David Attenborough league but I've been around, then I looked at the gold remaining and if you'll excuse the pun, 85 odd countries visited doesn't even scratch the surface!!

I wandered down town, had three coffees, one with Mrs T and the Princess before ambling home. I am now about to BBQ for Sam and I.

A thoroughly relaxing day so far, could have done with Mrs S being here though.

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