
By covet

Emirates Towers

A glorious day in Dubai- I don't think I get tired of saying that!

Our plan to go to the waterpark this morning was foiled by lots of wine the night before, so spent the day doing Other Things. The best french breakfast I've ever encountered- Shian had a baked potato (things were still rough), then the biggest mall I've ever seen, a peek at the largest flag in the world, etc etc. Had a much needed nap on the beach then headed into the city for a cocktail - on the 51st floor of emirates towers.... Seemed like a good idea to go up the first 40 floors in the glass elevator- so I plastered myself against the back wall for the scariest 5 seconds of my life, hoping that the cocktails at the top were worth it!! Some on the menu were well over £200: we didn't stay long, but what an experience.... Sigh.

Crazy beautiful architecture, mad shiny development, bizarre city, fab cocktails, happy days.

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