
You fly home overnight from a country in which the temperatures are extraordinary. You get home, unpack, do some work in the garden, sleep fitfully. You wake up early because that it is waking up time in the place you have just been but you don't get up immediately because you need to acclimatise.

Eventually you get up, do some more work in the garden, welcome the kids and their partners, barbecue, get used to drinking wine again, play games, have a dram and have to go to bed early-ish because you are falling asleep.

Wake up early because you hear a conversation. After some time you realise it is the dog breathing out noisily (one voice) and then breathing in just as noisily (the second voice).

You get on with life again.

You go out for a blip with a camera whose functionality is well beyond your current competence. You see this allium head and immediately think - 'it knows how I feel'.

I will sleep well tonight.

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