Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


A photo taken from work, easy and it solved the problem of 'can't be bothered finding a blip after work'.

Went along to the Dr today. Was told I hadn't having/had a heart attack! But I do have high blood pressure.
Got asked loads of questions, and got my heart and lungs checked. All normal. Not having the pain but now have the feeling of a racing heart and butterflies in my stomach.
I was told I might be having mild panic attacks and have been given a booklet on Stress and Anxiety.
It's a horrible feeling , it is constant just now and have been told to stop thinking about it because it is making it worse. Easier said than done.
Also been told to talk to people about things...also easier than done!

It's the weekend, and I really want a good relaxing one. Have a good one everbody.

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