
A very lazy day, little to report.

Over coffee we met some American tourists. They brought up politics first - honestly! We got to talking about health care and they spoke about welfare. It took me a minute or two to realise that they think of publicly subsidised health care as welfare. I think that speaks volumes.

I met a tour guide who reminded me why I don't sign up for historical tours.

We then met a wonderful woman who works in St Magnus Cathedral who is as enthusiastic about church architecture as Dr T. She thought she had the best job in the world - how refreshing!

After much talk of early gothic v Romanesque arches, she told us about a little bay we might like to visit. We did. We liked it very much. The only other people on the beach were a couple who had been visiting Orkney for years and last year moved here permanently. We had one of those magical conversations where you feel you've met old friends and agree upon everything. I wanted to invite them to dinner and become pen pals. When they toddled on their way, we had the beach to ourselves and it was more blissful than any photograph can convey.

I really like this place.

Thank you kindly for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts for Saturday's blip.

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