at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Grande Battement

Ivy's balance is getting rather impressive- she's been fine tuning it by doing Ballet Barre exersises.... (that's a weighted door stop in her truck to stop it tiping)

I got up with Ivy at 6am this morning to give Euan a long lie. She played reasonably happily in her room for a bit and then started to fuss and throw books about, then she persauded me to pick her up and she instantly settled into the position we hold her in to read to her and pointed to her bookcase. It turned out what she wanted was to be read too.

She knows her own limitations very well- knowing when she needs Euan or I to do something for her. This morning she chased me round with an unopened packet of crackers, handing them too me and then clapping her hands for please and refusing to take them back (she wanted me to open them), when I wouldn't, she took them to Euan instead.

She looked like she'd taken to vampirism after dinner after she was covered in beetroot and blueberry (both from the garden). I gave her a mangetout too and she tried it, before realising she couldn't get anything out of it without molars and throwing it aside.

Putting her to bed this evening was amusing, she's realised she can reach her blackout blind and if she pulls it the room lights up- so she was playing lightness darkness peek-a-boo with me when she was meant to be going to sleep.

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