With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Number three in the series.

A good lesson today again, but we were all feeling a little burnt out I think.
Rushed off afterwards with Little old brown eyes to visit my friend Mich in hospital. She's thankfully on the mend, but is bored and desperate to get home. Hope you have a better night sweetheart, and get back as soon as possible xxx

A late night for the boys, as Ben had a game in Alaró this evening, but that means a lie in for US tomorrow. Big Agu is out on the tiles with Manolo however, and is staying over in Marratxi. Who knows what time they'll get to bed, but they deserve a good blast. Dare I say it, but Agu has been fantastic about the house this week, taking the boys to school and generally being a 21st Century husband. It makes a huge difference. Thank you darling!.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

And no, I don't know where it is either. Do you???

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