One Good Foot

I try to be a "half full" person - and I like to think that I succeed most of the time. I know from experience (many instances of getting injured after months of training for some event) that it takes a couple of days to adjust to a new reality - reining in ambitions, modifying plans, changing holidays - before I'm back to my normal self. I have to go inside to rebuild before I feel like going outside and being with people again.

Nevertheless, blipping has encouraged me to engage with the world a little today. One positive is that in being forced to move very slowly I am noticing much more. The trouble, though is that having seen a shot, by the time I've moved into position the opportunity is gone: the scene has changed or the subject walked away. I don't think I'd appreciated before just how important it is to be fleet of foot when taking street photographs! I suspect my portraits are going to be of the elderly and the infirm for a little while. They're the only people I can keep up with!

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