Check that eye !

Isn't this another cool bug? Again it's well camouflaged against the leaves (and it's tiny) but look at those colours and at its eye. As if it's wearing super futuristic sunglasses. I used to know what these are called, having captured them before years ago, but will have to do some looking up.

Right now we're finally back in Belgium again and luckily the house and garden seem ok (there have been huge showers and a bit of floods in this area too). We even have new gladiolus flowers blooming, this time they're white and purple !

Thank very much for your comments, stars and even a fave on yesterday's bug, so far I haven't been able to actually identify it for sure, but I think the closest is probably a juniper shield bug nymph on its way to become an adolescent.

PS Admirer helped to find the name of this bug, it's a Graphocephala fennahi, A Rhodendron leafhopper or Rhododendron Cicade in Dutch

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