We won!

Drove HH's sister over to Manchester for a dermatological procedure, taking my laptop with the idea of catching up on my blips while I waited. However, it turned into a rather agreeable social occasion with all the others in for the same type of procedure, so no blipping or catching up.

In and out much sooner than anticipated and she indulged me by letting me drop in to Ikea on the way home. I could easily spend a day in this shop, ogling all the things I'd love to take back to Brazil if they were smaller/the right voltage/in any way practical for our life there. As it is, I bought enough stuff to half fill one of our suitcases (malice aforethought, I brought them half empty).

As we now have the luxury of wheels, having collected a hire car yesterday in Liverpool, after dropping s-i-l off at home, I went on to our daughter's, and she, granddaughter and I (grandson still refusing to budge from home) went over to the Tam O'Shanter farm near Birkenhead to visit the pigs, angora goats and other creatures there. On the way home, I received a summons to visit our nephew in his new house and see his two boys for the first time this trip. They are the greatest fun and I loved seeing them, even on such a brief visit.

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