Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Live and learn.

Many years ago (when dinosaurs still walked the earth) I worked for North of England Newspapers and around 1967 the Editor of the Durham Advertiser, knowing my interest in buses, gave me a box of glass slides. The images were of Express Omnibuses of Durham and were taken up at the Palace Green around 1950 (I guess).

Express was acquired in the early 1950's so these unique pics were treasure trove to me. A good friend of mine in the Lake District asked to borrow them to take slides copies in 1988 and I agreed. I never saw them again. Every time I saw him at rallies and bus events and reminded him that I'd asked for them to be returned he told me he'd forgotten them. He also forgot to return about 1500 of my Kodachrome slides too. He's dead now. His collection was hastily sold and no trace of my property was never found.

Yesterday I was asked for copies of the glass slides for a new book about Express and I have spent quite a bit of time removing dust and scratches from my old contact prints. So that's today's Blip.

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