Friday Foto

By drmackem


So today's blip is from Malawi. Not me I'm in a field camping with some friends from Church in Somerset.

Me I'm taking refuge from newspaper headlines from Israel/ Palestine, Nigeria, Ukraine, Syria ......neither my head or heart can hold the seeming madness of it all. I'm struggling to know what the sound of heaven touching earth might be like anymore.

Here is my Beth out with the palliative care nurse in the home of a mum dying of cancer. So Beth responds by buying 50kg grain, a mattress to ease the pain, and paying 2 Years tithe $4 so that she will have support visits from the church in her last weeks and days.

I can't begin to make sense of our mad world, but acts of kindness and grace such as these two brought to this ladies home suggest the possibility of hope and remind me of grace.

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