
The title inspired by the colour of this flower and also the book I am currently reading - a biography "Katherine Swynford" by Alison Weir. Very well written requiring a definite historical detective ability as while some records exist, much has to be surmised from various peripheral pieces of research.

Many of us will have read "Katherine" by Anya Seton, a very much loved novel of generations. It has been in continuous print ever since it was first published in 1954. My own copy, read many times and still in great condition, published in 1956 with my paternal grandmother's name written in her own hand inside the front cover. My own name in the front cover signed in my signature aged 14 in 1976.

Wikipedia says: "Katherine Swynford was a significant figure in English history. Apart from being the direct ancestress of all members of the British royal family since Edward IV, who was her fourth great-grandson, she and John of Gaunt gave Henry Tudor his tenuous claim to the English throne. Queen Elizabeth II is only one of Katherine's and Gaunt's many direct descendants."

Blanche was the name of the Duchess of Lancaster, John of Gaunt's first and much beloved wife.

Thou shalt beget kings though thou be none.

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