
By Echo


As I turned onto the Avenue I could see police cars and a number of fire engines on the corner and outside our house. After the year we have had so far, my heart sank. As I approached I could see the side road was closed off. When I got to the corner I could see that it was nothing to do with our house, there had been a smash. I then had to drive round the block only to find the road closed further up from the corner. One of the fire men eventually told me I could drive over the pavement in order to get on our driveway.
The black four by four , the roof of which is just visible had tried to rush across the intersection only to be hit by the car travelling along the dual carriageway. A couple of people hurt. The smaller car was a bit of a mess. How the cars had ended up where they were I don't know. Never a dull moment!

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