Indigo dawn........

I am again guilty of having a set objective in mind when I went out to shoot this jetty this morning. My mind's eye envisaged scattered clouds, reflected on the water, lovely colour bouncing around as the sun rose above the horizon. The jetty on the bottom third with an expansive and colourful sky. Cue music... and Louis Armstrong singing ..."what a wonderful world!"

The reality was markedly different. Not better, not worse, just different.

The light after the sun rose was harsh and uncooperative. This shot was taken approximately half an hour before the sunrise with that lovely purple hue....almost surreal colour.
I am still intrigued by the ripples on the water. A six second exposure..... I would have expected it to be glassy smooth. There was quite a breeze and it is interesting that the patterns seem to originate behind the hut and come towards the camera.
It was still quite cold, especially with the wind and my heated seats had to work hard on the way home to help me begin to thaw. My trusty companion Jasper , along on guard duty , excelled at his duties once again and didn't complain once. Other than a few beseeching looks at me and glances back to the car as if to say "what are you thinking being out here on a rickety cold jetty in the wind when there is a lovely warm car over there?". He did briefly consider taking off after a pelican at one point but thought better of it when it dawned on him a swim might be involved.....even more cold! Thank goodness his brain kicked in before the instinct to chase....this time!

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