Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Need this...

Such a long day - Feel absolutely drained... One of these then bed, sleep would be nice - Work stuff ready for tomorrow.

Met Erin today for first "mediation session" regarding my access to Chloe and various other issues caused by the breakdown of our relationship and the consequences of it.

Another one planned in for next week, hopefully can get something sorted then to start access arrangements in progress as today's session focused on other issues.

Obviously in any break up there are different opinions and emotions at play. The trick is going to be to focus on the goals we set ourselves, it's not going to be easy - I can see there being hiccups along the way, but if we can reach the goals we set ourselves throughout the mediation then it will be more than worth the work put in by us both.

I am happy to say I will be adding a new goal into the mix at our next meeting and I think we may agree on it (Fingers crossed).

Been listening to happy tunes today to try and lift my spirits a little after the events of recent weeks - Got to focus on the goals set so far in mediation, and also my own personal goals I have set myself - If I can reach the goals I will be happy, if I can't then I'll try all the harder to get them.

Anyways, sleepy time (Fingers crossed)

A happy tune for the end of the night - This one makes me think happy thoughts

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