Don't believe you

Often a word of this effect is used when one bloke is in a group of other blokes and talks up a tall tale, another bloke would say this and all would start laughing as they don't believe a word he is saying. Used on a Daily basis when the Prime Minister or John Banks or any politician speak as they are so honest. A term like this can be used more violently when these nasty no good scammers ring up from over seas soliciting money in the name of a charity all about filling their wallets and funny enough we still have enough stupid people who believe these scum bags. They rang me and I used this term politely with a raised voice. Tomorrow will be my last one in this series of signs, however when you come to visit us here I will personally take you on a tour of these signs on the way to have a cup of tea at a lovely Cafe Gift shop. On a sad note one of the Kids I have been coaching is leaving the squad as her Family are moving to Ashburton on Friday,Jessica is a great wee runner with a big future.

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