
A cool, wet, horrible Saturday.

I needed a dry one to get the garden sorted out. Won't be here next weekend, nor (probably) the one after that. Junior will cut the grass while I'm away, but not the rest.

I did manage to get some work done, so being confined to the house (mostly) had a slight benefit.

At lunchtime I joined a local protest march in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. The local newspaper is reporting a crowd of 700 and describes it as "huge". Huge for Kirkcaldy, I suppose. Well done the Fife Free Press for covering it.

I spotted 2 local Labour MSPs - well, one of them (Cara Hilton) spoke. Puzzling, as so far as I can tell that party is right behind the UK government on Gaza (100% behind Israel, in other words).

Ms Hilton excused herself by saying something about this being a cross party issue. Even more puzzling, as the cross party position in Westminster is 100% behind Israel. Maybe she just saw a crowd and felt like speaking.

I haven't been to a demonstration since I was a student (I was tear gassed in Toulouse in the 70s - not something you forget in a hurry).

It's not what middle aged, middle income, corporate lawyers get up to at the weekend. But I do get upset about little kids being blown to bits as if they count for nothing at all. So I went along. Not much else I can do about it.

Somewhere in the Blip is Ms Hilton.

No doubt MI5 will be on my case now.

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