Happy Valley

By HappyValley

Holiday to Hoy

Today we were up and at 'em early. A bit to early really as we arrived half an hour early for the boat to Hoy. This meant Talisker had plenty of time to sniff everyone who arrived for the boat and inspect their pockets and bags for possible food supplies.

We arrived on Hoy to be greeted by Ma & Pa PW who gave us a lift up the hill so we could walk through the valley to Rackwick. What a stunning walk it was - The heather busy turning purple and dotted about in lots of varying lush greenness. There were also plenty of opportunity for dog paddling in streams, even swimming at times.

At Rackwick we were reunited with Ma & Pa and then we all proceeded up to The Old Man of Hoy, a three hour round trip and stunning views. We were lucky to have a good deal of sunshine too. This shot shows The Old Man off in the distance.

We also visited the Dwarfie Stone, Betty Corrigall's grave, Longhope and had a general drive around. Now back home with two very very tired dogs.

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