Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

London: Day #2

We noticed Wembley Stadium yesterday as we arrived at Willesden Green Station: so an early start for me. A two-stop-trip to Wembley Park with my camera, tripod & some boiled sweets. Took rather a lot of snaps, mainly due to a couple of collage shots I intend to create in PS at a later date. Managed to get back to the hotel in time to miss the rush and a rather scrumptuous hotel breakfast.

Tuttle Jnr & I were meant to swim in the hotel swimmining pool afterwards only for it to be shut due to maintenance. This was "out of our hands" as the hotel staff wait for the swimming pool repair person to fix the chlorine problem. Great start!
With that disappointment put to one side, we set off to the Imperial War Museum. Horrible Histories had an exhibition, which Tuttle jnr loved and went to a second exhibiton which was all things WW1. As you could imagine there were not enough hours in the day and we were pretty exhausted by late teatime. Found a Bella Pasta, licked our plates then headed to the theatre.
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory!!!
This was a superb show and would love to see it again.

A late night meant a taxi back to the hotel. No, not a normal taxi, but a rather swift, quiet, black Merc.

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