
Sunshine, walkies, Sharna of Tibet, more walkies, Sharna at my place, what a Grrreat day. Of course I did have to stay in Suzz while they stuffed themselves with breakfast but since I had also had breakfast it was not a big deal and the subsequent activities where worth it.
The Boss grabbed this while he was walking to meet The Bossess who was walking to meet The Boss, who was……..Opps…RESET….Right.
It is August and next month is spring and there are signs…..Not just the ones on the road side or the occasional anti dog ones on cafes that we don’t go to (just one and it’s a pub anyway) but on the willows that never completely lose their colour in winter. The lake is also very high and “the tree” loses it’s appeal when you can’t see the trunk but there are signs and The Boss is really going to have trouble getting his money’s worth sno shooing in a week that he has Seniornet and a presentation on Photo editing to prepare for the annual photo competition.
Makes me tired just thinking about it.

Bigger Signs?

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