Family Dog

By Family_Dog

pizza passion

All of a sudden it's August and I haven't Blipped since June! How did that happen? This has been the fastest summer ever.....

Home made pizzas for tea tonight. We weren't sure the kids would want to eat them because they've not been too well, but they really enjoyed making them. Ida's approach was dump everything in a heap in the middle whilst Arlo took great care to sprinkle everything around equally.

By the time they'd come out of the oven and we'd switched on the film, they were starving and demolished most of their pizzas. Very unlike them. We weren't too far behind them, either and the fact that we forgot to buy olives AND mushrooms for our own pizzas didn't matter too much in the end.

But they would have been even more perfect if we hadn't forgotten....

Anyway - I'm now about to backblip all the way back to Neneh Cherry, so if you fancy seeing what we've been up to all this time, click away. I know that my Mum will be very relieved to see that I've added some new Blips since June!

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