Lenny Loves This!

By WendyACarter

I forgot to Blip!

I can’t believe that I forgot to “Blip” yesterday! I was adamant that I was going to Blip every day and what happens? The day disappears off without me yet again.

I feel as though I should really Blip at the end of the day, just in case something amazing happens throughout the day, yeah right, as if! I have come to realise however that I really need to Blip as soon as I see something that makes me smile, because at the end of the day smiling is what it is all about.

Well what would I have blipped yesterday if I had remembered? I would have blipped a very nice loaf of homemade integral bread with pumpkin and sesame seeds.

The bread maker was in fact a hubbie purchase as the kitchen is more often and not his domain, but it seems I use it more than he does now, the bread maker that is not the kitchen. I must confess that I don’t rate it in terms of cooking the loaf in the bread maker (not keen on holey bread with regular shapes), but I do love it from a dough making process.

It takes all of the hassle and mess out of the dough making yet leaves me, at least usually, with a dough that is easy to just throw either onto a tray or into a mould and add whatever bits I like whenever I like, at the beginning of the cycle of the machine or even at the end before I pop it in the oven to bake.

So do I have a Blip for today, yes I believe I do. How is that a plant in the garden which hasn’t had any water for months can produce such a stunning bloom as this! Yes, okay the plant does happen to be a pal, and yes we are in Spain, but it still fascinates me.

Actually it was possibly fate that I decided to take a photo of this particularly palm, as also I found growing on it the early stages of a wasps nest. There seem to have been numerous ones recently. Sorry but I don’t like wasps! Bees I am happy around, wasps are angry little blighters, all the time. They are like a group of very vicious grumpy old women!

That said they are amazing little engineers. The nests are so delicate, almost like tissue paper and the design, so perfect in form. Even the little larvae casings seem almost pearlesque.

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