Is it wise to surprise an 80 year old?

Fortunately in this case, the surprise was a good one. Through some organisational madness from my Aunty Rose, a surprise party was where our family could all be found this afternoon, including my Great Aunty Rose (who NEVER comes to family functions because she doesn't like having her teeth in for any length of time!), Great Uncle Frank and Great Aunty Mary (all my Nana's sisters and her brother). A multitude of other rellys were there including Uncle Lenny, who calls me babe and Princess and who fills me with joy every time I see him because he is utterly mischievous (and tells great jokes, mostly dirty!).

Nana's face when she saw who was there was just priceless, and she later said it was the best day of her life (this of course was questioned in relation to the day she married grandad!).

We've had a really wonderful afternoon, and evening, with Nana coming home with us for a couple of hours before Mum took her back home.

Coming home was interesting - 4 of us in the car and 9 helium filled balloons of various sizes - fortunately, I wasn't pulled over. Although I did have to pull over at one point to let Nana empty the water from a vase of flowers that were sat on her lap - the slightest bump in the road and she yelped as the water splashed out!

Love you Nana.

Top left - Grandma with her three children - Uncle David, my mum and Aunty Val.
Top right - Grandma with her sisters - Great Aunty Rose (centre) Great Aunty Mary (right) and her brother, Uncle Frank
Bottom left - the cake!
Bottom right - Grandchildren (Vikki, Simon, Me), great grandchild (James), nephew (Stuart - very tall) and his wife (Louise, seated) and great nephew (matt) and niece (Olivia - seated).

Thanks Rose for a wonderful day. Nana was so pleased.

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