Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Coming Home

You know what Krispy Kreme...I think I shall. :)

Woke up quite late after last night's soiree and had a great laze about til I got told off since present giving was about to happen downstairs and I was still in my kip!! Had a quick shower and joined the family and the guests who were giving A's parents their birthday presents. His aunt (with considerable help from A) had made up a sort of time capsule/memory basket for them which was so lovely. Obviously I didn't know about any of the stories or what things really meant but it was clear a lot of thought and love went into it and they were really touched.

Just really hung about the house and had a beautiful Greek style chicken for Sunday dinner that I'm determined to convince A to make for me one day. ;)

Came home by myself this evening though since the other half is staying in London for a conference which was interesting since I didn't know Stansted at all. However, I did find the Krispy Kreme's kiosk so all was not lost!! I brought home six (two are now gone) and am just sitting lamenting the fact that I could probably have brought three times that many home but then would just have eaten.....three times as many. :D

So since this has felt like a very very long day I'm headed to bed now to try and sleep before the horribleness of Monday work.

Night night.

Oops, also meant to say I've backblipped the last couple of days so please please look!!

Arriving in London

Acronymphomania in his gorgeous party getup!!

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