Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

Little lady big heart, deep thoughts

Well another day and another photo of my favorite little lady in the whole wide world. What can I say that I haven't said before,

We went for a walk today along the seafront and she held my hand most of the walk making sure I was fine. She really knows what to say when I need to hear something good. We talked about all sorts of things from dogs names to the songs she liked . Just chatting and chatting making sure I was fine.

In the end we stopped at the beach we were aiming for and had a drink and an icecream each. We then got a fishing net and tried to catch fish ending up with a shrimp but it was fun. We made our way back to the hotel talking about how we were going to get the net back home to go fishing with her cousin Travis. The net was one Euro ninty... I said I would buy another one when we were home.

My thought today is again about this little lady whom always makes sure her Dad is alright and is grown up enought to just say the right things when needed. I am so proud of her depth of character. My hope for you reading this is that you also have someone with the same depth as Fleur.

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