
By bevhumphrey


......don't even ask.....but it involved having to rescue my obviously somewhat retarded dog after he fell into the canal at a point where he was surrounded by 8 ft sheer walls and even higher lock gates. No amount of persuasion or coaxing could get him to turn around and swim away down the canal to a safer part. so after 15 mins of watching him panic and whelp I stripped to my bra and knickers and jumped in, got him by the collar and swam us both 30 metres down the canal. quite a commotion and nearly gave poor old bloke o his barge a heart attack. tho he then got us blankets and hot tea. And strongly advised a tetanus as the canal has loads of toxic algae at the moment. Having walked the 2 miles home looking like swamp creatures we cleaned ourselves up, Alf took to his bed looking very sheepish and I went down to Minor Injuries for the tetanus. What a way to spend a Sunday! No harm done.....would have made quite a blip if anyone had photoed it !!

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