Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

The choice.

BBQ lunch with my husband's family, 800m above sea level in a quiet little town.
After lunch, the strange little dog appears and stares, silently, not asking.
Guido coaxes the dog into the garden and gives it abundant meat left overs.
We take a walk in the old town, where their memories lurk.
We return to see that the little dog has rummaged in the rubbish bag and made mess.

End of story.... until I began remembering every detail of that afternoon, when I, bored at hearing the same old stories again, went off to take some shots.

When the other dark creature presented himself at the gate and said "HELP" once and after a few seconds HELP again and again, until he'd said it half a dozen times, gave up and walked away. He must have walked away but no one actually saw him because we chose not to look.

WHY DID WE CHOOSE to see the ugly little dog and not hear the black beggar who asked for help? I can hardly believe we did that..... but we did

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