From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Waverley wonder and Ailsa Craig awe!

What a marvellous day out! Unlike the constant rain of the weekend meaning I was forced to go to the pub to take pictures of pints for you, the day dawned bright and clear. After lunch I dawdled up to the south harbour in Ayr to join the queue waiting to get on The Waverley. The Waverley is the last seagoing passenger-carrying paddle steamer in the world. It was built in 1946 and is a replica of the original 1899 built Waverley which was a minesweeper sunk in 1940 evacuating troops from Dunkirk.

It was fantastic to go on this boat. I loved everything about it from the noise and the heat of the engine when I stumbled to the purser's office to collect my pre-booked ticket to the almost royalty-like reception the Waverley got pulling into ports. People were waving and taking pictures from the land and all the passengers were waving back and taking pictures of the land and the people. I had a strange feeling as if I were on the maiden voyage of the Titanic as it was that kind of atmosphere.

I felt quite tearful really wishing those I love were there to share the joy and beauty of the occasion with me. Clearly seeing Turnberry lighthouse make me think of the last time I was there with dad but it was a day of nostalgia and many memories of all descriptions. I felt several pangs throughout today. Today was special anyway with us all remembering the many who gave their lives in the wars.

The Waverley took us right round Ailsa Craig and I was astonished as we neared the cliffs covered, and I mean covered with birds by the noise!! You know if you are walking past a school playground at lunchtime and there are about 400 children all outside yelling and screeching? It was similar to that but with at least 40,000 gannets living there along with puffins, seagulls and loads more species besides, the racket was deafening and the Waverley seemed tiny and so low down with the cliffs above. It was an unforgettable experience. I took loads of pictures but no birds close up. Even the little boats aren't landing there as the tides aren't suitable right now I was told. I will sort out all my other pictures tomorrow and put them on FB / Flickr.

For today, I just loved the colour and the glow of Ailsa Craig.

Go large

Track? For no good reason at all - Rockstar

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