Nothing is worth more

By libbys

three season snap

Woke to bright sunshine in the deep south....and snow. Walked one niece up to the train station for school in lovely early morning light and took this shot in my sister's garden on the way ... daffodils against snow covering beech have just got back from a great walk in the Berkshire Downs with friends from the village. Margaret is very good at knowing all the highways and byways and our walk took us over an extensive private shooting estate where the owner has just begun reshaping his lands in the style of a formal eighteenth century garden.. I dont imagine he will live to appreciate its beauty but then thats what much of gardening is all about, looking hopefully to the future. Very little sign of any pheasant (only the feeders in the beechwoods and the maize husks in the fields)...they must have finished them all off for Christmas!

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