you only live once...

...every day

written on a key chain

okay - i admit it - i'm a sucker for sayings - especially when they seem - to hit relatively close to home - like this one does (it also helps - when it comes on something cute like a key chain that's useful, too)

but really, think about it - you only live once - doesn't that send a message? about how we should seize the day? grab our chances? live in the moment - be happy with what we have - try and be at peace - with the life god has granted - to us - live fully in it - experiencing everything we can right now - because listen, what else are we waiting for? i don't want to live with any regrets - do you? of course - mistakes are made - we take a wrong turn - here and there - yet for the most part - i believe we should try to be content - roll with the punches - try to figure it out, along the way - by pressing into life - instead of fighting against it - i just think it all comes back - to attitude really - how we approach things - if we can figure that out - it will be key - and will lead to many...


happy day.....

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