
By Beagledad

A grand day out

Today was adventure day, I left the go pro behind, switched my phone off, left the satnav behind packed my recovery cars and some waterproofs and set off on a 300+mile trip on Sporticus. Longest day out on the old lady ever to meet with a group of online friends for real and ride around the countryside. We stopped here because there were (unfounded) rumours of a tea wagon. A Harley army floats along on a current of tea or lattes if you're posh. Everyone was amazingly kind about the state of Sporticus who hasn't seen a polishing rag and compared to their shiney, nearly if not new, machines was looking a little, er, 'tired'. Apparently I've had her so long she's gone from being an old rattler to shabby chic! Anyway, a great day was had by all, many new friendships made and Sporticus performed faultlessly.

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