
By drgirlfriend

Press Reset

Well, It's been months since I actually quit most of my social medias, the only one I retained is my flickr; since it really treasure flickr so much.

I titled this entry, press reset because that's the name of my new tumblr. I personally didn't have any intention of coming back, I guess the way I am. Most of friends really encouraged me to at least be active in one social media (flickr isn't one of them since 99.9% of them don't have flickr); So, I just went along with it since I do need to post my new works somewhere with a wider audience.

So, I'm back doing self portraits which I totally enjoy. The thing that I will struggle is, I need to search for new audience that will appreciate my work, that was my struggle in tumblr before. It was quite hard pill to swallow when you think your work is not good enough and you lose focus. I hope this time, that will not be the case.

I also chopped off my hair, which is better for me haha.

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