My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Home again!

We liberated the cats from the cattery this morning where they'd been staying whilst we were away at the wedding.

Poor Mr Messi-cat had a wee in the car on the way home and both of them haven't stopped miaowing ever since we stepped through the front door. Either they are very cross with us for abandoning them or they are very happy to be home... or both. They are settling down a bit but are very nervous and twitchy and look like they haven't had a proper sleep in days!

However, they seem to know us and the house and have been out scent marking in the garden again. The photo is Mr Messi-cat not relaxing under the rhododendron bush. Glad they're ok and have survived their ordeal.

If you missed any of our great weekend away (my blipping was a bit erratic), here are some links:
My brother's wedding (in England)
Wedding reception (in Germany)
First sightseeing day in Berlin
Second sightseeing day in Berlin

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