Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

We Will Remember Them

On 4th August 1914, 100 years ago today, the United Kingdom entered what was to become known as The Great War. A service of commemoration, the first of many, was held in Glasgow Cathedral and people across the country were encouraged to turn off the lights in their homes and light a candle of remembrance and hope for peace between 10-11pm.

Earlier in the evening I went down to visit the newly-opened Cumbernauld Community Memorial Peace Garden. The site is still very much under construction, although the entrance (pictured) and 'tarmac'ed pathway is in place. A few moments of wandering and quiet reflection on the futility and waste of war, then home to light a candle. The gospel-writer John wrote: the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never extinguished it.

After the excitement and hype of the Commonwealth Games, it was good to slow down for a moment and remember what really matters.

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