
By gennepher

The Boy with the Haunted Face....

I had nightmares all last night. Each time I woke up and fell asleep again it picked up where it left off. Some was trying murder me initially and they succeeded. I woke up. About an hour later I fell asleep, only to find myself staring death in the face again. This went on all night. I was murdered or killed time and time again. Each time I died I woke up, only to find the same thing happening again when I fell asleep again.

The final one was with the boy with the haunted face who was clutching the flattened, blackened dead hare. I could make no sense of it so I approached the boy and took the hare off him, thinking I was helping him. It was then I realized I had accepted death again. So I ran...

I don't watch telly (don't have one). I hadn't read anything before I went to bed, and neither did I have any supper or any food in the evening. I don't eat late.

So no idea where this night of nightmares came from. I wrote this on the typewriter in my bedroom.

by gennepher

death stares me in the face
I die
only to find myself running again
down corredors of rubble
tunnels of broken concrete
I turn
death stares me in the face
I die
fleeing again I run
to the green hedgerows of the countryside
death follows
a young boy with a haunted face
looks me in the eyes
he is holding tightly to his chest
a flattened, blackened
dead hare
I run

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